Automative winches on base of logging hoist (PKS)
Specialists of the enterprise have developed and set to production a range of winches for geophysical logging hoists.
The hoists PKS-5G, PKS-7G produced by Pskovgeokabel can be used by all types of well studies. Powerful specialized logging hoists PKS-5G-GS with a winch, hydraulic drive, and increased reel are applied to perform studies in horizontal and lateral wellbores with use of cable lines of large diameter (up to 36 mm) and increased axial rigidity. Hydraulic system of winches, produced on base of equipment from leading world manufacturers, allows operation of the machines in wide range of outside temperatures from -40 up to +55oC.
Logging hoists with electrically driven winch PKS-3,5E with power up to 37 kW allow to perform studies on depth up to 3, 5 km with a cable up to 12, 5 mm and find broad use by well exploration and development. Hoists, for explorations of wells with autonomous instruments on scrape wire 1,8-2,5 mm, are also produced with electrical drive. All electrical hoists have a double power supply system from outside three phases power network or from autonomous generator with drive taken from truck, and power up to 50 kW.
Logging hoists with mechanically driven winch PKS-5M produced in usual version with two speed gear box 2SKC-4 and automatic control system and other transmission with use of differential gear and additional electric drive (1 phase, 220 V). It provides low speeds of logging (10 m/h) and increases range of speeds of forced lowering of cable to a well.
The winch of hoist can be produced with a reel divided in two parts intended for two cable types.